RSA 04/28/2014
This week we have a very special show for everyone. An unexpected guest show, as a long time listener and one could argue contributor to RSA sent me a completed show a few weeks ago. A number of you will have heard me mention Wolf on a few occasions as I mangle my way through the German language. Wolf has helped correct my pronunciation practically since he first started listening in 1999. This week, enjoy his show!
Concrete Rage - Face To Face (Inline Sex Terror)
Stahlschlag - Tanz des Terrors
Die Krupps - Der Amboss (Client)
Deviant UK - We Have A Technical
Diorama - Advance
Davantage - Split And Shatter
Karl Bartos - 15 Minutes Of Fame
Welle Erdball - Wir Horen Mit
Patenbrigade Wolff - Die Ungenauigkeit