Tuesday, August 28, 2012

RSA 08/27/2012

Well, I am successfully wed, and that means that I have my weekends free again. This also means that I have time to work on RSA again, so I've got a great new show for you all! It always seems that as soon as I'm done one week, its on to the next. So I'd better get cracking!

Grendel - Timewave Zero (Modulate)
Agonoize - Dafur (Gerrit Thomas)
Funker Vogt - Hard Way (No Rules)
De/Vision - Binary Soldier
Silica Gel - Si Sobran Lagrimas
Diskonnekted - Yesteryears
Icon Of Coil - PerfectSex
Axxon - Bite Your Tongue (Orbital State)


Monday, August 13, 2012

RSA 08/13/2012

So very much has happened in real life in the past week, and this week promises more eventful happenings, so I'm going to cut this shorter than usual. No show next week due to my impending doom wedding.

Darker Days Tomorrow - Tempest
Stray - Remember Me (Technoir)
And One - Low
Komor Kommando - Boomtscheekah (A23)
Metroland - METRO
Peter Heppner - Alles Klar!
Assemblage 23 - The Last Mistake
Wave In Head - Highway


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

RSA 08/06/2012

Yeah, its less than 2 weeks before I get remarried, and I'm totally not stressing about it. Everything is perfectly planned! Really! We'll be here for a show next week, but I'll be taking a week of afterwards because I've been threatened with death if I have my notebook out at the reception.

Raindancer - Hope Flickers
Second Version - Icebreaker (Musicshaker)
Readjust - Stab My Back
Stray - Let Me Go (Grendel)
Spreading Point - Emotional Ice Ace (Lustobjekt)
Dekad - Tell Me (Club)
Grendel - Chemicals and Circuitry (2012)
Foretaste - Alone With People Aound (People Theatre)
