Sunday, November 26, 2023

RSA November 27th 2023

OK, now we're in the race to Christmas and I have to get cracking on the annual "best of" show for 2023. I have a lot of tracks selected, but as always I'm looking for your input! There's always a gem or two that my ears miss and the collective listenership of RSA does catch. The prizes are rolling in for the 2024 membership drive. Thats a few months away, but there may be surprises. I also have an idea for possibly doing another round of more simplified T-Shirts. The Threadless store has been a bit of a disappointment, but I think I have a new line on making a new simplified shirt. Getting a sample or two made now. Color Theory - The Rot (Raindancer) NNHMN - Your Body (Video Edit) NeuroWulf - Reborn PreEmprive Strike 0.1 - Marauders From Earth Chiasm - Cut Right Through (A23) Absurd Minds - The Moral Men (Intent Outtake) Super Dragon Punch!! - Rise (Last Activity) Espermachine - Love And Pain

Sunday, November 19, 2023

RSA November 20th 2023

Had a bit of an existential crisis last week, wondering if RSA has become irrelevant. Once upon a time I did an interview with I Die: You Die and when the topic of is there any end in sight, I commented that what would probably be the end was when RSA became irrelevant. Couple that with some back end technical issues that have been driving me bananas and I suddenly wondered if that time had come. A friend of mine once asked if "Imposter syndrome" ever goes away. It doesn't, but I let my mind run away with the worst possible scenario and quite frankly I'm still recovering. The mind is a terrible thing to taste. But I got through the week and got this weeks show up! Nano Infect - Danceslut (Massiv In Mensch) Gauthier - Submission Robota Robotny - UFOs Im Kornfeld Unitcode Machine - Blind Dead Lights - I Am Electric Nuquatron - Authentizaitat Disappearer - Magia Mildreda - Prophecies (Fix8Sed8)

Sunday, November 12, 2023

RSA November 13th 2023

Got some prizes in this week, pins and magnets! Next step, lets get some more stickers made up. In this weeks show I touch on protecting your hearing a bit. Got my hearing checked this week, and its surprisingly good barring the tinnitus. Wear ear plugs at shows if you can, and maybe turn the volume down a bit on your headphones. I've also posted a poll in the Facebook group. I'm looking to see how you "consume" RSA so I can maybe tweak a few things and make life easier for everyone. I'd also like to apologize for lateness in email notifications. It would seem my web host isn't able to properly monitor mail queues. So I'm having to wait hours, open a ticket, wait a day, and basically do the email all over. But we're working on it! In other news we have a brand new show for you with some great music across a few sub genres! Espermachine - Heavy Modulation Absurd Minds - Gravitas (Neuroticfish) FabrikC - Death By Hanging Merry Chiklit - Deine Wut Ist Gut (Restriction 9) NeuroWulf - Exposure Cygnosic - Destiny Darkness On Deamnd - Ban Of Truth Parralox - Goodbye Berlin (DMT Berzerk)

Sunday, November 5, 2023

RSA November 6th 2023

I'm still trying to figure out what I should be giving away as prizes, especially at the "Everyone gets something" level. If you have any idea, please reach out. Optical media is dead, and I might have to raise the "minimum" donation from $25 to do anything else, and I'm loathe to do that. I honestly enjoy sending out stuff to everyone! But thats February Todd's problem. November Todd has a great show for everyone! Mind.In.A.Box - Integrate (Club) PreEmptive Strike 0.1 - Ressurective Hunger (Kriistal Ann) Cybermode Beats - Welcome To Night City First Aid 4 Souls - Now You See Me (Vain Sancrosact) Void_R - Celebration Morphose - All Comes Back To You (Sven Friedrich) Zanias - Simulation (Alen Skanner) Unitcode Machine - Surface