Tuesday, April 30, 2013

RSA 04/29/2013

After a week away for semi-political reasons, and lets be honest now, incredible laziness, we're back with a great new show chock full of great new music!

Blind Passenger - I Ran
Kant Kino - Just For The Comfort Of Sleep (Klubmix)
God Module - Transcend (Parallel)
Interface - Stateless
Cellmod - Reason To Live (Ien Oblique)
Nun - Here 4 U (Minerve)
Aircrash Bureau - Zerstoerer Der Welt (Skyla Vertex)
John B. Feat. Code 64 - The Journey (Metrik)


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

RSA 04/15/2013

My schedule is no match for gorgeous spring weather outside. Nevertheless, I may be a day "late" by my own schedule, but we're here with a great new show full of great new music!

Code 64 - Accelerate (Radio Edit)
Children Of The Night (Resident Evil)
Blank - Timespace
Karl Bartos - Nachtfahrt
Vaylon - Memories Of You
Code Red Core - Archangel (David Ian)
Spektralized - Unite Us All
Welle Erdball - Des Wahnsinns Fette Beute


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

RSA 04/08/2013

I have no excuse for being a day late this week, so I'll just distract you with a picture of Davide Mazza from Blank. We've got a great new show for you with a couple of back catalogue tracks that I'm playing out of a fit of snark.

Mechanical Moth - Frau Aus Papier
Mordacious - Paraphilia
Project Pitchfork - Requiem
Blank - Dead Roads (Feat. Elenor Rayner)
State Of The Union - Timerunner (Original)
Unitary - Maelstrom (Nachmahd)
Dark Control Operation - Proud Soldier
Wumpscut - I Want You (Slut Mix)


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

RSA 04/01/2013

Welcome to this weeks slightly belated RSA. I had the show all nice and complete last night but the mere thought of spending an hour updating html made me retch. That and the fact I had the season finale of The Walking Dead and the season premiere of Game of Thrones to watch. A man has his priorities!

Mesh - Flawless
Vaylon - Blow
Solitary Experiments - Rush
Code 64 - Accelerate (Apoptygma Berzerk)
Karl Bartos - Rhythmus
Spektralized - To Be Recalled
Diversant 13 - When We Are Dead
Kant Kino - Freezing (Leaetherstrip)
