Sunday, August 16, 2009

RSA 08/17/2009

OK, enough with the new stuff, lets head back into the realm of the theme show. I had a few suggestions from various people to do "country" themed shows. No, I'm not talking about playing the Cleopatra compilation "A tribute to Travis Tritt" but instead every band in this weeks show is from the United Kingdom. Ben Bulcock pushed me over the edge by not only suggesting the UK but giving me a nice list of bands and even tracks. Since I'm really lazy, and the list was a good one, why not?

Mechanical Cabaret - Dibehave (Mesh)
Seize - Wishful Thinking (Tibia Kickin)
Cubanate - Hatesong
Inertia - Retaliate (New Mind)
Tactical Sekt - Chosen One
Nitzer Ebb - Lightning Man (Industry vs. The Ebb)
Mesh - Firefly
OVNI - What Have I Done (XP8)
Skinjob - Beauty Is Your Toy
The Nine - Our Tomorrow

Check it out!


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